Monday, 22 August 2011

A light at the end of the tunnel

Startech have undertaken a fascinating project installing a temporary lighting system into a railway tunnel to forewarn bats of incoming trains. A series of birdies have been rigged along the length of the tunnel and programmed to light up from the central point out to each end. This is designed to encourage bats to move into less exposed crevices and out of the line of oncoming trains.

This project is taking place in preparation for the new Oxford to London rail link via Bicester, which will involve a more regular and higher speed trains passing through the tunnel beneath Wolvercote roundabout.

Although the lighting design is simple to put in situe, there were a number of teams coordinating their aspects of the install and of course there was the added complication of working on a live railway line and during the night. Startech accepted the challenge and emerged from the train tunnel with sooty smiles.

The trial will take place over the next month to establish whether the lighting will have the desired effect on the bats, in which case a permanent installation will be put in place.